The University of Victoria provides an online journal hosting service using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software. If you are a member of the University of Victoria community and are interested in using the OJS system and our hosting service for publishing your online journal, please contact the Scholarly Communications Librarian.


  • The Albatross

    Submit all essays to after consulting the Submissions Guidelines.

    The Albatross is an undergraduate, peer-reviewed, academic journal that publishes the exceptional undergraduate scholarship of students at the University of Victoria in the fields of literary analysis, critical theory, and cultural studies. The first issue was launched in March 2011 and all previous volumes are archived.

  • Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies

    Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to the study of new and emerging perspectives in anarchist thought and practice from or through a cultural studies perspective. The interdisciplinary focus of the journal presumes an analysis of a broad range of cultural phenomena, the development of diverse methodological traditions, as well as the investigation of both macro-structural issues and the micro-logical practices of everyday life. ADCS is an attempt to bring anarchist thought into contact with innumerable points of connection.

  • Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform

    Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform is a double-blind, peer-reviewed law journal published through the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada). Appeal publishes articles, case commentaries, and book reviews that offer insightful commentary on Canadian and comparative law. This law journal also promotes legal scholarship in its political, philosophical, and social contexts. Appeal is student-run, and its Editorial Board aims to publish primarily student compositions.

    For more information, go to

    Volume 29 (2024) of Appeal was released in March 2024.

  • The Arbutus Review (TAR)

    The Arbutus Review has been placed "on hiatus" for 2024-2025, pending the recommendations of a redesign taskforce. As such, the editorial board is not accepting submissions at this time. 

    For further assistance, please contact:

  • ARTiculate

    ARTiculate is a peer-reviewed graduate student journal of art history and visual studies published by the University of Victoria.  The publication aims to further the establishment of a graduate art historical community by offering graduate students the ability to disseminate their knowledge and engage in an editorial process that is shaped by the insights of peers well-versed in their chosen area of study. In keeping with the inclusive conception of art that is embraced within a global art history, ARTiculate does not privilege a singular culture or medium in its selection of manuscripts. Rather, the publication serves to circulate highly original submissions that are valued for their contributions to the preexisting scholarly conversation.

  • Autism's Own

    Autism's Own is an international peer-reviewed journal providing content written completely by persons with autism about the theme of autism. Autism's Own is dedicated to fostering autism culture through creative works. Autism's Own is published once a year coinciding with Autism Awareness Day, each April 2nd.
  • Beside the Point

    A journal of creative work published at Camosun College.


  • Borders in Globalization Review

    BIG_Review provides an open-access forum for academic and creative explorations of the changing logics of borders in the 21st century. Our interest is advancing high-quality and original works in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, that explore various aspects of borders in an increasingly globalized world. The journal is committed to peer review, public access, policy relevance, and cultural significance.


  • Canadian-American Public Policy

    Canadian-American Public Policy is a refereed series of occasional papers focusing on contemporary issues in U.S.-Canada relations. Rapidly growing commercial ties between Canada and the U.S. are rising complex new policy issues in both countries concerning trade, investment, energy, the environment, resources management, cultural politics, and foreign affairs.




  • the ascendant historian

    The Ascendant Historian is a peer-reviewed undergraduate history journal seeking to publish the best scholarship produced by University of Victoria students concerning the past. We are interested in all methods and fields of inquiry.

    PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ESSAYS BY EMAIL: after reviewing the submission guidelines here.

  • CTheory

    Welcome to the CTheory Archive. CTheory is an international peer reviewed, open access journal of theory, technology and culture. The journal has published over 600 essays, reviews and event-scenes since 1993. This site also houses the archive of The Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, published from 1976–91 as an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of critical thought. All archives are located here. For the current issue of CTheory please visit

  • Divergent/Convergent

    The Divergent/Convergent journal is a production of the University 101 and 102 students. The University 101 program offers free, non-credit, academic courses to students who have faced barriers to post-secondary education.

  • Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series

    The Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series publishes the papers submitted by Restoration of Natural Systems ER 390/400 students. These papers are the result of a capstone project that involves a real restoration project in partnership with a community group, government department or industry partner. Each project involves approximately 100 hours of work and the collection of a significant amount of new data.

    The Ecorestoration journal only publishes papers submitted for the ER390/400 course.

  • The Graduate History Review

    The Graduate History Review is unfortunately not accepting or reviewing new submissions as of Fall 2023.

    The Graduate History Review is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by graduate students at the University of Victoria. We welcome articles and critical commentaries from emerging scholars in all historical disciplines.

  • Guillemets

    Guillemets is an undergraduate, peer-reviewed journal featuring the creative and academic work of UVic students who have demonstrated an exceptional analysis of a variety of topics from the Francophone world, such as literature, poetry, film, linguistics, and theatre. The first issue will be available in April 2020.

    Please send all submissions as a Word.docx to after consulting the submission criteria.


  • Illumine: Journal of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society

    Illumine is an online, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that explores historical and contemporary issues concerning religion, culture, and society. It is produced by graduate students, other research fellows, and staff of the University of Victoria’s Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS). It publishes articles and creative works by current and recent graduate students.


  • International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies

    The International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (IJCYFS) is a peer reviewed open access, interdisciplinary, cross-national journal that is committed to scholarly excellence in the field of research about and services for children, youth, their families and their communities. 

  • Journal of Childhood Studies

    Journal of Childhood Studies is a peer reviewed, open access digital journal that aims to provide researchers and practitioners with a transdisciplinary space to cultivate experimental, creative, and alternative approaches to, and conceptualizations of, childhood. 

  • The Midden

    The Midden is the name of our quarterly journal, and reflects the rich resources middens offer in archaeological information.

    Dedicated exclusively to the Archaeology of British Columbia, it contains:

    • Illustrated articles and news about BC Archaeology

    • A publication list and book reviews

    • Information on upcoming lectures, exhibitions and conferences

  • Migration, Mobility, & Displacement

    Migration, Mobility & Displacement is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal. It seeks to publish original and innovative scholarly articles, juried thematic essays from migrant advocacy groups and practitioners, and visual essays that speak to migration, mobility and displacement and that relate in diverse ways to the Asia-Pacific. Submissions are primarily from scholars and migrant advocacy groups that are publicly engaged, and who seek to address a range of issues facing migrants, mobile and displaced persons, and especially work which explores injustices and inequalities. MMD is primarily an invite-only publication; however we are open to proposals for special issues or contributions. Please send proposals to

  • On Politics

    On Politics is the journal of the University of Victoria Undergraduates of Political Science. It seeks to provide opportunities for undergraduate publishing, and to encourage undergraduate scholarship. The Journal publishes high-quality academic writing from a multitude of theoretical perspectives and sub-fields within the discipline of political science, as well as interdisciplinary perspectives. With these broad aims and inclusive features, On Politics presents an accommodating format to disseminate scholarship of a political nature from those who seldom gain the opportunity. On Politics publishes two issues per year.

  • Peninsula: A Journal of Relational Politics

    Peninsula: A Journal of Relational Politics is a journal of political theory open to a broad range of methodological, philosophical, and disciplinary perspectives. Our area of focus is politics; our approach is critical; and our perspective is relational.

  • Philosophy in Review

    Philosophy In Review is an open access, specialist book review journal in philosophy, published four times a year. We cover all areas of and approaches to philosophy.

  • PlatForum

    PlatForum is a peer-reviewed journal published by the graduate students in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Victoria. Committed to upholding a tradition of holistic anthropology, PlatForum welcomes a diverse range of topics and issues from all four of anthropology’s sub-disciplines: archaeology, social-cultural, biological-physical, and linguistic anthropology.

    Recognizing the benefits of both interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary contributions made by students outside the field of anthropology, we continue to extend our call to all students including upper-level undergraduate students, and those from community colleges and universities across Canada.


    CONSTELACIONES, the undergraduate journal of the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies at the University of Victoria, is an annual blind peer-reviewed showcase of extraordinary research papers of a scholarly merit in all areas of Hispanic and Italian Studies.

  • Scene: Reviews of Early Modern Drama

    Scene publishes review essays about early modern English drama in performance, reviews of productions and adaptations of early modern plays, book reviews, film reviews, and production notes. Our scope is mainstream professional productions, as well as university, drama school, and non-professional productions.

  • Sophia: Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

    Sophia is the University of Victoria's undergraduate journal of philosophy.

  • Topiques, Études Satoriennes

    Topiques, Études Satoriennes publishes researches led and inspired by the SATOR. It invites and accepts submissions for publications from participants in SATOR conferences and from members of society. Submissions for special issues are encouraged.

  • VAMPS: Journal of Absurdity and Horror

    A graduate creative writing journal exploring the affects of horror and comedy.


  • Verges: Germanic & Slavic Studies in Review

    Verges: Germanic & Slavic Studies in Review is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary graduate student journal affiliated with the Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies at the University of Victoria.

  • WINHEC: International Journal of Indigenous Education Scholarship

    ** Dr Paul Whitinui stepped down as Editor-in-Chief of the WINHEC Journal in October 2021. Please send all submission enquiries to Dr Jolan Hsieh at - thanks!

    The WINHEC Journal is a open access, peer-reviewed publication celebrating Indigenous Knowledges. As a multidisciplinary publication, the WINHEC Journal is dedicated to the exploration and advancement of issues related to Indigenous education, research, culture, and language central to the lives of WINHEC nations and members.

  • Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle

    WPLC is a peer reviewed working papers journal published by the graduate students of the department of linguistics at the University of Victoria. In 2010 we switched to only online digital publication and our digital archives on this website go back to the first volume printed in 1981.

    We publish one thematic issue each year. Every four years we publish the proceedings of the Northwest Linguistics Conference when the conference is hosted by graduate students in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Victoria.