The Popular Will in Hispanic Antifascist Graphic Art in the United States, 1936-1977

  • Montse Feu Sam Houston State University


Graphic art in the New York antifascist Spanish-language periodicals Frente Popular (1936-1939) and España Libre (1939-1977) denounced Spanish fascism with news from workers’ resistance networks associated with the Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas (Confederated Hispanic Societies, or SHC). Advocating for unity between means and ends, Frente Popular and España Libre sustained an open submission policy that invited workers to contribute to the antifascist discourse. This uncompromising direct action created a culture of participatory politics that allowed editorial caricatures to picture attractive and accessible antifascist rhetoric. It mocked fascists and deciphered the meaning of fascism with the medium conventions of simplification and deformation. Also, illustrations recreated a visual language of solidarity and memorialization by foregrounding bodies acting
in concert in barricades, demonstrations, and popular commemorations. This visual protest celebrated the collective exercise of the popular will, in interdependency and vulnerability, successfully counteracting the fascist narrative of power. The images examined here are curated in the open-source digital project Fighting Fascist Spain –The
Exhibits (FFSTE), which thematically recovers and contextualizes the story of the antifascist organization Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas (SHC), its activism, and print culture.

Author Biography

Montse Feu, Sam Houston State University

Montse Feu is an Associate Professor of Spanish and the Integrated Studies Coordinator at Sam Houston State University. She has published peer-reviewed articles, chapters, monographs, and critical anthologies about U.S. Hispanic primary sources, including The Antifascist Chronicles of Aurelio Pego. A Critical Anthology (2021) and Fighting Fascist Spain. Worker Protest from the Printing Press (2020), and Correspondencia personal y política de un anarcosindicalista exiliado: Jesús González Malo (1943-1965) (Universidad de Cantabria). She has co-edited Histories and Cultures of Latinas: Suffrage, Activism, and Women’s Rights (2023), Serving Refugee Children: Listening to Stories of Detention in the USA (2021), and Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United
States (2019). She is the curator of Fighting Fascist Spain – The Exhibits.
