EISSN 1923-5615
Anarchism and Film: New PerspectivesVol. 2024 No. 1 (2024)
Cover Art:
sub.Media, !Hasta la Pasta, Compañerxs! (The Stimulator's Final Show), 2014, video still
This special edition of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies takes on an ambitious endeavour: to showcase new contributions to the field of Film Studies. Until recently there has been a dearth of anarchist scholarship concerned with cinema, a situation attributable, in part, to anarchism’s historic marginalization in academia, but the situation is rapidly changing, thanks to the scholarship of Richard Porton, Susan White, and Nathan Jun, to name a few. Thus, as anarchist scholarship makes an impact, it seemed timely to assemble a special issue focussing on film...
Anarchist Cultural Politics in Latin AmericaVol. 2023 No. 2 (2023)
Guest Editor: Kirwin R. Shaffer
Cover Art: Hélio Oiticica, Bólide 33 Bólide Caixa 18 Homage to Cara de Cavalo Poema-Caixa 2 (1965-66)
Wood, photographs, nylon, glass, plastic and paint 15 7/10 × 12 × 27 in | 40 × 30.5 × 68.5 cm
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS) is an international peer reviewed and open access journal to the study of new and emerging perpsectives in anarchist thought. ADCS is an attempt to bring anarchist thought into contact with innumerable points of connection. We publish articles, reviews/debates, announcements and unique contributions that: (1) adopt an anarchist perpective with regards to analyses of language, discourse, culture, and power, (2) investigate various facets of anarchist thought and practice from a non-anarchist standpoint, and (3) investigate or incorporate elements of non-anarchist thought and practice from the standpoint of traditional anarchist thought.
Anarchy in Southeast AsiaVol. 2023 No. 1 (2023)
Guest Editor: Claudia C. Lodia
Cover: Anonymous, Mèo Mun (‘Meow Moon’) logo, digital artwork, 2022
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS) is an international peer reviewed and open access journal to the study of new and emerging perpsectives in anarchist thought. ADCS is an attempt to bring anarchist thought into contact with innumerable points of connection. We publish articles, reviews/debates, announcements and unique contributions that: (1) adopt an anarchist perpective with regards to analyses of language, discourse, culture, and power, (2) investigate various facets of anarchist thought and practice from a non-anarchist standpoint, and (3) investigate or incorporate elements of non-anarchist thought and practice from the standpoint of traditional anarchist thought.
The Politics of Indigeneity, Anarchist Praxis, and DecolonizationVol. 2021 No. 1 (2021)
The Politics of Indigeneity, Anarchist Praxis, and Decolonization
Guest Editor: J. Kēhaulani Kauanui
Cover: Debra Yepa-Pappan, “Whirling Corn Maiden,” digital print on antique ledger paper, 2017
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS) is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal dedicated to the study of new and emerging perspectives in anarchist thought. ADCS attempts to bring anarchist theory and practice into contact with innumerable points of connection. We publish articles, reviews/debates, announcements, and unique contributions that adopt an anarchist perpective with regards to analyses of language, discourse, culture, and power and/or investigate various facets of anarchism from diverse standpoints.
Web Published and Distributed Online: University of Victoria, located on unceded Lekwungen and WSÁNEĆ territories.
Creative Commons License
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2018
Seeds Beneath the SnowNo. 1 (2014)
Seeds Beneath the Snow is an issue from the future!
Note: all articles are peer-reviewed and have gone through the publication process.
What is Anarchist Studies?2014Special Thanks to Ben Brucato for designing the cover for this issue on short notice.
Ontological Anarché: Beyond Materialism and IdealismNo. 2 (2013)This issue can be purchased (paperback) or downloaded in full from Punctum Books.
Blasting the CanonNo. 1 (2013)A softback version of this issue can be purchased from Punctum Books by following this link. A full version of the issue may also be downloaded.