EISSN 1923-5615
Vol. 2021 No. 1 (2021): The Politics of Indigeneity, Anarchist Praxis, and Decolonization

The Politics of Indigeneity, Anarchist Praxis, and Decolonization
Guest Editor: J. Kēhaulani Kauanui
Cover: Debra Yepa-Pappan, “Whirling Corn Maiden,” digital print on antique ledger paper, 2017
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS) is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal dedicated to the study of new and emerging perspectives in anarchist thought. ADCS attempts to bring anarchist theory and practice into contact with innumerable points of connection. We publish articles, reviews/debates, announcements, and unique contributions that adopt an anarchist perpective with regards to analyses of language, discourse, culture, and power and/or investigate various facets of anarchism from diverse standpoints.
Web Published and Distributed Online: University of Victoria, located on unceded Lekwungen and WSÁNEĆ territories.
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