About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Submit all essays to theuvicalbatross@gmail.com after consulting the Submissions Guidelines.

The Albatross is an undergraduate peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes the exceptional scholarship of undergraduate students at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. We publish undergraduate essays on literary analysis, critical theory, and cultural studies.

Publication Frequency

The Albatross is published annually each April. Our first issue was launched in 2011.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Mission Statement

Why we publish:

The mission of The Albatross is to provide University of Victoria undergraduate English students with opportunities to gain valuable editorial experience, and to publish exceptional undergraduate scholarship in a peer-reviewed journal.

Who we are:

The Albatross was launched in September of 2010 by members of the English Literature Course Union (now known as the English Students' Association). We aim to publish the work of undergraduate students of English Literature from the University of Victoria and to cultivate an audience of all students who study English Literature.

What we publish:

We are seeking submissions of original undergraduate works of literary criticism and analysis from across the diverse field of English studies at the University of Victoria.

How we publish:

The Albatross is published both in print and online.

When will submissions open? When will the next issue be available?

Check out our Twitter page (twitter.com/uvicalbatross) for important dates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I submit my paper?

A: Submit your paper to theuvicalbatross@gmail.com.

Q: Why is the journal called The Albatross?

A: The albatross of Coleridge’s famous poem was no trouble at all until it was shot down by the Mariner. We want to enable our fellow students to develop their scholarship, not shoot down their ideas. In launching The Albatross, we hope to keep fine undergraduate work from the end-of-term recycling bin and to take fresh and exciting ideas to flight.

Q: How many papers will you publish?

A: The number of papers published will depend on the number of papers we receive.

Q: When was the first issue published? When will the next one be released? How much does a journal cost?

A: We publish one issue per year in the spring. Our first issue was released 15 March 2011. Print copies are sold by donation, and the journal is available for free online.

Q: Who can submit?

A: Submissions are open to current undergraduates of the University of Victoria. You do not have to be an English student to submit, but the content of the submission must be related to English studies. 

Q: What kind of material do you publish?

A: We publish original academic scholarship within the purview of the Department of English (including cultural studies), whether this is expressed through research, criticism, and/or literary and theoretical analysis.  

Q: How can I get involved?

A: Each year we have a call for editors. If you’re interested in editing, please email albatross@uvic.ca. Your help is appreciated, and working on The Albatross provides some great experience that will help you to build your resume.


Journal History

The Albatross was founded in September 2010 and was designed to provide a forum for the exceptional scholarship of undegraduate students of English literature at the University of Victoria. The first issue was published in March 2011 and is available online.

There have been numerous students who have contributed to the intellectual and physical development of The Albatross. Each issue lists all staff—from editors to peer-reviewers—on the inside cover.