Technology Supports for Community-Dwelling Frail Older Adults

  • Richelle Stanley University of Victoria
Keywords: Technology, elderly, aging, home care, smart homes, aging in place


Population aging is placing extensive pressure on home care programs to provide the necessary services for complex care clients to remain in their homes and avoid institutionalization or hospitalization. Finding innovative and cost-effective ways of meeting the healthcare needs of older adults and the healthcare workers who support them is becoming a pressingly urgent issue. Assistive in-home technologies, such as tools for fall prevention and medication management, have been demonstrated to positively impact health outcomes and the quality of life of autonomous older adults living in the community. This literature review identifies supportive technologies that may improve the home care of complex older adults while reducing caregiver stress through a comprehensive examination of current literature in the field of “gerontechnology.” Past research has demonstrated the adoption of technology for home care support is beneficial in retaining older adult independence while reducing the risk of falls, medication errors, and caregiver stress. The findings of this review highlight how technologies are currently being integrated into home care and how the healthcare system can better include these technologies for home care support in the care of community-dwelling older adults.


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