An Account of Practice for the exhibition "Translations"

  • Jenelle Pasiechnik


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Author Biography

Jenelle Pasiechnik

Jenelle holds a Masters in art history and visual studies from the University of Victoria, 2015. The work done on her thesis Assembling Oh Persepolis II: the simultaneity of tradition and modernity in Parviz Tanavoli’s monumental bronze sculpture continues to inform her curatorial practice. Pasiechnik has been the Curator of Contemporary Art at the Campbell River Art Gallery since 2018 where she works to ensure diverse communities, perspectives, and identities are represented through exhibitions and outreach programming. Through her curatorial methodology Jenelle strives to make space for the resurgence and celebration of under-represented cultural perspectives, and the recovery of erased histories.

How to Cite
Pasiechnik, Jenelle. 2023. “An Account of Practice for the Exhibition "Translations"”. ARTiculate 4 (June). Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 66-79.
Visual Matters