Border Control (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina) and Local Inventiveness in Times of COVID-19

  • Regina Coeli Machado e Silva UNILA
  • Adriana Dorfman Department of Geography,Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Local level effects of closing borders between Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil in order to confront COVID-19 disarticulated modes of existence of border dwellers, generating local protests for reopening, creating “sanitary refugees”, deepening the trends of biotechnological controls and sophisticating smuggling. Data for this essay was obtained from local online newspapers and analyzed with help of anthropological and geographical experiences at the border, concentrating on the description of border life and on its changes due to the sudden closure. The essay shows that the complex control structures at these borders gained a centrality whose effects were, besides stifling the pandemic, dismantling and rearticulating border practices, evidently in favor of more control. A disregard of cross-border integration, circulation and communication demonstrates the underlying reification of borders between these three national states.


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Author Biography

Regina Coeli Machado e Silva, UNILA

Visiting professor at UNILA (Federal University for Latin American Integration), senior professor at Unioeste (Western Parana State University) and researcher at CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).

How to Cite
Silva, Regina Coeli Machado e, and Adriana Dorfman. 2020. “Border Control (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina) and Local Inventiveness in Times of COVID-19”. Borders in Globalization Review 2 (1). Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 94-99.