Beyond Borders, Beyond States: Artistic and Historical Aviation Perspectives

  • Ina Neddermeyer
  • Jürgen Bleibler


Proceeding from the historical question of the regulation of airspace, this essay examines the current and future significance of borders and the central question of statehood, for the special section of this issue, Art & Borders. The authors draw on their experience as curators of the 2021 exhibition Beyond States: The Boundaries of Statehood at the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen, Germany, to reveal the role of ballooning aviation and critical approaches of artists towards border regimes 


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How to Cite
Neddermeyer, Ina, and BleiblerJürgen. 2021. “Beyond Borders, Beyond States: Artistic and Historical Aviation Perspectives”. Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1). Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 86-95.
Visual Artwork