"Sarah Trouche, Performing Borders" / Sarah Trouche, performer les frontières

  • Madeleine Filippi


This essay discusses the performative work of Sarah Trouche, whose meticulous field approach and bodily involvement at the edges of borders questions cultural rooting and geopolitical hazards.

Essai sur l’œuvre performative de Sarah Trouche, depuis une approche de terrain minutieuse, son implication corporelle aux abords des frontières interroge sur l’enracinement culturel et les aléas géopolitiques.


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How to Cite
Filippi, Madeleine. 2022. “"Sarah Trouche, Performing Borders" / Sarah Trouche, Performer Les frontières”. Borders in Globalization Review 3 (2). Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 98-104. https://doi.org/10.18357/bigr32202220778.
Art & Borders