Temporary Lives: Border Temporalities and Retirement Mobilities in a Turkish Tourism Hot Spot


The recognition that state borders operate not only through a production and ordering of space but also of time has recently led to a more concerted interest in the temporal dimensions of borders. In the fields of migration and border studies, researchers have suggested that borders are implicated in the creation and transformation of particular “time-spaces” that hierarchically order space and time. These b/ordering practices tend to be examined in relation to states and state forces, often neglecting the importance of economic dimensions. This article contributes to analysing border temporalities in their hierarchical aspects by focusing on the complex relationship between political (state) borders and the frontiers of capital. This relationship is examined empirically through a focus on the lives of German retirement migrants in Turkey. While retirement migration is motivated by the search for a “good life” that is free from the temporal constraints of wage labour biographies, it will be shown that German retirement migrants are highly vulnerable to the temporal bordering processes produced by both state policies and transnational capitalist profit-seeking in the tourism and real estate sectors.

Keywords: international retirement migration; time-space compression; tourism; political economy


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How to Cite
Kosnick, Kira. 2024. “Temporary Lives: Border Temporalities and Retirement Mobilities in a Turkish Tourism Hot Spot”. Borders in Globalization Review 6 (1). Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 109-19. https://doi.org/10.18357/bigr61202421668.