
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • In Comments for the Editor (below), you have included a one to two sentence statement of how your submission addresses the theme. You have also identified yourself as a current or former Camosun student and included your Camosun student ID number.
  • The submission is 2500 words or less, or 8 pages maximum for comics.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). "Prior publication" includes having been posted on social media (such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook), on a personal website, or in a chapbook.
  • Written material is in 12 point font and paginated. Except for poetry, it is double-spaced.
  • A text submission is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF file format. An image submission is in jpg, eps, tiff or psd file format @ 300 dpi.
  • The author of the document has deleted their name from the text.
  • The appropriate section has been selected: 1) Poetry; 2) Creative nonfiction; 3) Fiction: Literary; 4) Fiction: Fantasy; 5) Fiction: Sci-Fi/Suspense/Other (specify in Comments for the Editor); 6) Drama; 7) Photography. (Please don't use any other sections you may see: they're only there because we can't delete them!

Author Guidelines

Beside the Point 2020: Call for Submissions


Are we in a period of return – or even re-emergence? Some people insist so; others warn against it. What does it mean to return – to “come back or go back to a former position”, especially if we believe time is linear? 

In this time of return(ing), Beside the Point welcomes submissions of work that engages with the theme of a return. You don’t need to mention pandemics, vaccines, or Covid-19, though it’s understood that might be an undercurrent in the work. Mostly, we want to offer a forum for creative expression that is influenced and perhaps informed by our current context.  

We encourage you to submit your short stories, scripts, poems, creative nonfiction, and photographs to Beside the Point. See the fine print at the link below for details. We are looking forward to reading! 

Deadline for submissions: Dec. 15, 2021 

The fine print: 

  1. Submit work that fits the theme, but don't be afraid to think outside the box. Surprise us. Give us perspectives, genres, or voices we didn’t expect. We will accept prose, poetry, images or a combination of all of the above; just keep in mind that your work may be reproduced in black and white.
  2. Preference will be given to writers whose work has not already appeared in the journal. 
  3. Please keep your submission under 2500 words.
  4. We seek previously unpublished submissions.
  5. We’ll usually accept only one piece per writer or artist, but that doesn’t mean you can submit only one thing. Have a few pieces you’re proud of? Why not submit them and let us choose which one fits best in the journal?
  6. Written material is in 12-point font and paginated. Except for poetry, it is double-spaced. A text submission is in Word, OpenOffice, or RTF file format. An image submission is 300 dpi in jpg, eps, tiff or psd file format.
  7. Your name and contact information have been removed from the manuscript.
  8. When you upload your work, please select one of the following seven sections: 1) Poetry; 2) Creative Nonfiction; 3) Fiction: Literary; 4) Fiction: Fantasy; 5) Fiction: Sci-Fi/Suspense/Other (specify); 6) Drama; 7) Photography. (Please don't use any other sections you may see; they're only there because we can't delete them!)
  9. In the “Comments for the Editor” box, include a one to two sentence statement of how your submission addresses the theme of power. 
  10. The journal will be published under a Creative Commons license (Attribution—NonCommercial—NoDerivatives).
  11. Payment will be in a contributor’s copy of the print journal.
  12. Beside the Point acquires first North American serial rights and first electronic rights; copyright reverts to the author upon publication. Written contracts will be drawn up with each author or artist whose work we publish.

Science Fiction

Specify in "Comments for the Editor" how you define the genre of your submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.