Functioning and Alteration in Scottish Highland Farms during the First Phase of Clearance (c. 1775 - c. 1815)

  • Stefano Buckley


During the latter half of the 18th century and the early decades of the 19th, the traditional lifeways of farms in rural Highland Scotland underwent a drastic alteration. Hitherto operating in a community-focussed manner that had lasted for centuries, one bound up in notions of hereditary duty to clans and neighbours, this system became subject to a myriad of burgeoning changes both ideological and economic. Throughout the course of this paper, I will examine how these external influences reshaped the cultural and physical landscape of the Highlands, transforming a place that had once been directed towards self-sufficiency into one now dictated by the demands of an emerging capitalist marketplace.

How to Cite
Buckley, Stefano. 2022. “Functioning and Alteration in Scottish Highland Farms During the First Phase of Clearance (c. 1775 - C. 1815)”. the Ascendant Historian 2 (June), 5-11.