About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series publishes the papers submitted by Restoration of Natural Systems ER 390/400 students. These papers are the result of a capstone project that involves a real restoration project in partnership with a community group, government department or industry partner. Each project involves approximately 100 hours of work and the collection of a significant amount of new data.

The Ecorestoration journal only publishes papers submitted for the ER390/400 course.

Peer Review Process

Papers are reviewed by the Academic Administrator and students are invited to submit a revised copy for publication in the journal.

Publication Frequency

The Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series is published twice annually in the fall and winter academic terms.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The Restoration of Natural Systems Program,
Division of Continuing Studies
University of Victoria

Journal History

The Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series is comprised of the final student project reports for the course ER390 in the RNS Diploma and Certificate programs at the University of Victoria. The ER390 mainly requires students to identify a degraded site that requires restoration, conduct a biophysical inventory to characterize the site, develop a site prescription to restore the site and at least begin the implementation of the prescription to ensure the feasibility of their proposal. However, students can undertake more complex and large-scale projects if they have the opportunity. Most projects are in British Columbia but about a third are in the rest of Canada or around the world in the case of our international students.

The biophysical inventory involves gathering new, current information and the implementation requirement means the projects are not theoretical but are feasible and real. In conducting their projects, students often collaborate with community groups, governments and/or environmental consultants who may already involved with the site in some capacity. The projects range from naturalizing a backyard and small-scale invasive species removal to restoration of wetlands and mycoremediation of contaminated mine sites. For all these reasons, the ER390 project reports represent a valuable community and scientific resource which we make available through the online journal Ecorestoration: RNS Technical Series.