Georgeson Bay (Shore Access 17) Pollinator Restoration and Management Plan 2023
Georgeson Bay, Galiano Island, British Columbia
In 2017, the Capital Regional District Galiano Island Parks and Recreation Commission (GIPRC) invested considerable resources in an attempt to control the spread of spurge-laurel (Daphne laureola) at Shore Access 17 on Active Pass Drive, Galiano Island, British Columbia (the Project). The initial efforts were proven unsuccessful, and this invasive species had persisted, presenting an ongoing management challenge. Therefore, ecological restoration proved to be a potential solution to replace invasive species at this location with native species, and hopefully reduce the management costs of invasive species overtime. Therefore, with the collaboration of the University of Victoria Restoration of Natural Systems Program, the GIPRC, and funding partners, the restoration of Shore Access 17 became possible. This report documents the restoration completed at Georgeson Bay (Shore Access 17) on Galiano Island, British Columbia, as of April 2023, with continued restoration work ongoing. This report builds off of work and information completed and collected by Brittany Boyd ER390 with report titled ‘Restoration of Habitat for Native Plants & Pollinators on Southern Galiano Island, BC’. This report is also intended to be an update to the previously written management plan for this Project titled ‘Georgeson Bay Pollinator Habitat Restoration Project – Restoration Plan 2021- 2022’ authored by Andrew Simon. A total of 773 individual native plant species have been planted and 120 hours of invasive species removal has occurred as of April 2023.