Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011)
A Note from the Editors
As we have worked this past year to launch The Graduate History Review, we have benefited immensely from the help and support of many. We would like to acknowledge in particular the efforts of a few:
- Brad Van Vugt, for his help with the development of the website
- James MacGregor (Public Knowledge Project), for his patient and helpful responses to endless questions about Open Journal Systems
- Inba Kehoe, Scholarly Communications Librarian, and the UVic Library for hosting and support
- Tylor Richards and Sean Addie for the design of the GHR logo, as well as the development of promotional materials that have helped to spread the word about the journal
- Our Editorial Advisory Committee -- Christa Hunfeld, Derek Murray, Elizabeth Clemo, Tylor Richards, and Sean Addie -- for all their hard work as well as for their ongoing commitment to the journal
- Our Faculty Advisor, Dr. Penny Bryden, and all the members of the Faculty Advisory Board
- The UVic Graduate Student Society and Graduate History Student Union for financial support and facilitation
We would also like to acknowledge the founding editors of Preteritus: A Graduate History Journal, Elizabeth Della Zazzera and Sara Regnier-McKellar. Preteritus provided the foundation upon which the GHR could grow and develop.
Of course, we would also like to thank all of our authors, reviewers, and readers, whose interest in and commitment to the GHR is essential.
Happy reading,
Lisa Pasolli and Sarah Lebel Van Vugt