
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

    • Footnotes should not be used. Endnotes need to be located in the text by numbers.
  • Manuscript must be anonymized. No author information should be included in the manuscript. Ensure that the instructions in Ensuring an Anonymized Review have been followed.
  • All author information (including full name, mailing address and biographical information) must be included in a separate document.
    • Please include a brief biographical sketch (4-5 sentences) including the author(s) full name, title, professional affiliation, and other relevant information.
  • Manuscript must be 6000-8000 words for the Articles from Research section and between 1500-3500 words for the Ideas from Practice and Reviews of Books and Resources sections.
  • Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.

  • An abstract should be included at the start of the manuscript and not exceed 100 words. 4-5 keywords should be included following the abstract.

  • All submissions should be accompanied by a copy of the signed copyright transfer agreement.

Author Guidelines

Submissions should adhere to the aims, scope and focus of Journal of Childhood Studies.

Journal of Childhood Studies contains three sections: (1) Articles from Research, (2) Ideas from Practice, and (3) Reviews of Books and Resources.  The editors welcome manuscripts between 6000-8000 words for the Articles from Research section, and between 1500-3500 words for the Ideas from Practice sections and Reviews of Books and Resources sections.


Form and Style

Style should be consistent with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). The journal uses Canadian spelling; please consult the Oxford Canadian Dictionary.

  • All citations must contain DOI information where relevant.
  • An abstract should be included at the start of the manuscript and not exceed 100 words.
  • 4-5 keywords should be included following the abstract.
  • Footnotes should not be used. We prefer that endnotes be avoided, but if you find it necessary to include them, please use the Insert Endnote function in Microsoft Word to insert them into your text rather than typing the numbers manually. This will ensure that your endnotes do not get lost in the journal's copyediting process.
  • Manuscripts must be 6000-8000 words for the Articles from Research section and between 1500-3500 words for the Ideas From Practice and Reviews of Books and Resources sections.
  • In order to enable anonymized review, manuscripts must be anonymized.  No author information should be included in the manuscript.
  • When using names of children in your article, please use pseudonyms and advise us that you have done so.
  • Please use Times New Roman 12 pt font and do not use any special formatting or styles.
  • Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format as per the submission instructions below.

Additional Submission Guidelines

  • All author information (including full name, mailing address and biographical information) must be included in a separate document.
    • Please include a brief biographical sketch (4-5 sentences) including the author(s) full name, title, professional affiliation, and other relevant information.
  • All submissions should be accompanied by a copy of the signed copyright transfer agreement.
  • Authors are to obtain releases for use of photographs prior to submitting the manuscript.  Completed photograph permission agreements need to be included in the submission.  
  • It is expected that authors will not submit articles to more than one publisher at a time.


Content Guidelines for Reviews of Books and Resources

Reviews of books and resources should be between 1500-3500 words. Submissions to "Reviews of Books and Resources" should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Provide an overview of the reviewed book/resource
    • Situate how the book/resource fits within contemporary childhood studies (how it participates in ongoing debates, speaks to policy, furthers emerging research, ties to extant literature)
    • Discuss the theoretical framework and context of the piece
    • Highlight some key overarching takeaways or excerpts 
  1. Give a summary of central or most generative ideas (either chapter by chapter, or synthesized within core ideas throughout the piece)
  2. Discuss the reviewer’s critical reflections or engagement with the piece 
    • The important contributions that the article makes to current practice or research and/or to the lives of practitioners working with children and families, including the possible impact of the book/resource on the field
    • Connections between the piece and the reviewer’s work (how the reviewer sees the piece mobilized and active in their own thinking)
    • Questions or reflections that the piece generated for the review


Acceptance and Publication

The editors will acknowledge receipt and will review all manuscripts received. The final publication decision rests with the editors and will be communicated within three months. Proofs will be sent to the author designated to receive them, and should be corrected and returned immediately. Contributors will be notified when the article has been published.


Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts that adhere to the author and submission guidelines can be submitted via the online submissions platform.


Directives Aux Auteurs

Les soumissions doivent respecter les objectifs , la portée et l' orientation de la Revue d'études sur l'enfance

La Revue d'études sur l'enfance contient trois sections: (1) Articles de recherche (2) Idées pratiques, et (3) Critiques de livres et ressources. Les éditeurs acceptent les manuscrits de

6000 à 8000 mots pour des articles de recherche et des manuscrits de 1500 à 3500 mots pour la section des idées pratiques et la section des livres et des ressources.


Format et normes de publication   

Les exigences doivent respecter les normes décrites dans le document: Publication Manuel of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010, 7e édition). La Revue utilise l'orthographe canadienne; veuillez consulter le Oxford Canadian French Dictionary.

  • Toutes les citations doivent contenir des informations DOI le cas échéant.
  • Un résumé doit être inclus au début du manuscrit et ne pas dépasser 100 mots.
  • 4 - 5 mots-clés doivent être inclus à la suite du résumé.
  • Les notes de bas de page ne doivent pas être utilisées. Nous préférons éviter les notes de bas de page, par contre, si vous trouvez qu'il est nécessaire de les inclure, utilisez la fonction, “Insérer une note de bas de page”, dans Microsoft Word. L’auteur doit insérer le texte plutôt que de taper les numéros manuellement. Cela garantira que vos notes ne se perdent pas dans le processus de révision.
  • Les manuscrits doivent avoir entre 6000 à 8000 mots pour des articles de recherche et des manuscrits de 1500 à 3500 mots pour la section des idées pratiques et la section des livres et des ressources.
  • Afin de permettre un examen objectif, les manuscrits doivent être anonymes. Aucune information d'auteur ne devrait être incluse dans le manuscrit.
  • Lorsque vous utilisez des noms d'enfants dans votre article, veuillez utiliser des pseudonymes et nous informer que vous l'avez fait.
  • S'il vous plaît, utilisez la police Times New Roman 12pt et ne pas utiliser de formatage ou de styles spéciaux.
  • Les articles doivent être soumis en format Microsoft Word conformément aux instructions de soumission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.