Journal Name Change - CAYC Journal of Childhood Studies

  • Iris Berger


Dear members of the CAYC community,

We would like to share with you exciting news about the CAYC journal.

Journal Name Change

In April 2016, the CAYC Board decided unanimously to change the name of the journal. Formerly titled Canadian Children: Journal of The Canadian Association for Young Children, the journal is now called: The Canadian Association for Young Children Journal of Childhood Studies.

The new title reflects contemporary changes in the conception of childhoods and its growing relation to a wider array of fields of studies and practices. This change also responds to, and opens up, questions about identities and belonging in light of the transient nature of contemporary childhoods, and the necessity to actively respond to histories, present and future, of Indigenous childhoods.

Increase in Number of Issues

Over the past couple of years, with the support of a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the journal has grown in its scope, depth, and accessibility. Our goal is to publish four issues per year (an increase of two issues per year). To this end, we regularly put out calls for papers from researchers and practitioners. The Journal of Childhood Studies invites papers that explore childhoods through theory, research, and practice across diverse disciplines.

Free Access

As one of the leading journals on the topic of childhood on the Canadian landscape, CAYC has committed to making The Journal of Childhood Studies freely accessible online.  In its new format, local and international early childhood practitioners, students, and researchers can access the journal on a regular to basis learn about and respond to alternative approaches and conceptualizations of childhood and its related practices. 


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How to Cite
Berger, I. (2016). Journal Name Change - CAYC Journal of Childhood Studies. Journal of Childhood Studies, 41(2).