More Than Words: Using Nursery Rhymes and Songs to Support Domains of Child Development

  • Ginger Mullen
Keywords: child development, Early Development Instrument, nursery rhymes and songs, caregivers and practitioners


During her 20 years of work experience using traditional nursery rhymes (including songs) across a variety of early childhood education programs, the author has come to realize their versatility in supporting multiple domains of child development. She contextualizes specific rhymes within domains defined by the Early Development Instrument: physical health and well-being, language and cognitive development, communication skills and general knowledge, social competence, and emotional maturity. By discussing how rhymes can be practised effectively with children of different ages, she aims to highlight the developmental benefits of using them with children and to further promote their use among caregivers and practitioners. 


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How to Cite
Mullen, G. (2017). More Than Words: Using Nursery Rhymes and Songs to Support Domains of Child Development. Journal of Childhood Studies, 42(2), 42-53.