Creating Children’s Spaces, Children Co-Creating Place

  • Nicole Green
  • Michelle Turner
Keywords: place, play, environment, early childhood


In this article, we respond to Fleer’s (2003) challenge for the need to continue to critically examine the discourses, the codes of practice, the theoretical perspectives and conceptual lenses of early childhood and “question what we have inherited, the histories that we re-enact with each generation of early childhood teachers, and to deconstruct the ‘taken-for-granted’ practices that plague our field” (p. 65). Although we are drawing on Fleer’s scholarly writing from more than 10 years ago, this special issue of the journal suggests that critical examination is ongoing and remains important at the forefront of our work in the early childhood field. Our focus is the environment, the space for play in early childhood education. Rather than add to the numerous de nitions of play, this article aims to offer place as a conceptual lens through which to consider the early play environment, and exemplifes alternative possibilities when researching and/or teaching and learning with children, their families, and the community. 


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How to Cite
Green, N., & Turner, M. (2017). Creating Children’s Spaces, Children Co-Creating Place. Journal of Childhood Studies, 42(3), 27-39.
Articles from Research