Authentic Family Learning: Reconceptualizing Intergenerational Education Initiatives in Jamaica and England Through Cross-Cultural Conversation

  • Charlotte Hardacre
  • Zoyah Kinkead-Clark
Keywords: social investment; family learning; power; authentic learning


This paper shares a set of cross-cultural conversations between two family learning practitioner-researchers, one from Jamaica and one from England. Our concern that global education policies reflect and reproduce a social investment perspective, positioning family learning as a way to generate productive citizens, drives this paper. Using Charlotte Hardacre’s authentic family learning as a conceptual framework, we reexamine our
ongoing work with families. An analysis of these cross-cultural conversations reveals that along with valuing the existing agency and identity of participants, there is also a need to balance the role of power enacted by practitioners; ultimately reconceptualizing power as a positive force that does not require inversion, minimization, or removal.


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How to Cite
Hardacre, C., & Kinkead-Clark, Z. (2019). Authentic Family Learning: Reconceptualizing Intergenerational Education Initiatives in Jamaica and England Through Cross-Cultural Conversation. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(5), 85-102.
Special Issue - Reconceptualizing children