Troubled Pedagogies and COVID-19: Fermenting New Relationships and Practices in Early Childhood Care and Education

Keywords: early childhood education;, early childhood teacher education, pedagogical practice, COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities, tensions, and possibilities in the Canadian early childhood education and care system. This paper experiments with the metaphor of fermentation to critically reflect on the ways we, as ECEC postsecondary instructors, were challenged in upholding our pedagogical commitments. Through retrospective analysis of emails, meeting notes, and other personal communications, we examine and describe how our work and pedagogical thinking with students has been contaminated by COVID-19. We highlight the need to refigure relationships to the troubling events and reconceptualize contamination as a potent opportunity to pedagogically ferment practices in the postsecondary classroom through which living and learning well can flourish.


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How to Cite
van Groll, N., & Kummen, K. (2021). Troubled Pedagogies and COVID-19: Fermenting New Relationships and Practices in Early Childhood Care and Education. Journal of Childhood Studies, 46(3), 30-41.
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