Experts in Their Own Lives: Children’s Understanding of Their Immigration Status and, Subsequently, Their Identity

A Review of Ariana Mangual Figueroa’s Knowing Silence: How Children Talk about Immigration Status in School

Keywords: citizenship, immigration, children's rights, mixed-status families, student voice


By examining what transpires at school for children of mixed-status immigrant families in what is spoken and what is kept silent, Figueroa demonstrates students’ depth of understanding of their own immigration status and how it shapes their self-identity. Through this collaborative longitudinal research, citizenship and self-advocacy are explored in a manner that amplifies marginalized students’ voices and expertise.


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How to Cite
Gilmore, W. (2024). Experts in Their Own Lives: Children’s Understanding of Their Immigration Status and, Subsequently, Their Identity: A Review of Ariana Mangual Figueroa’s Knowing Silence: How Children Talk about Immigration Status in School. Journal of Childhood Studies, 66-70.
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