About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Midden is a quarterly journal, reflecting the rich resources middens offer in archaeological information.

Dedicated exclusively to the Archaeology of British Columbia, it contains:

  • Illustrated articles and news about BC Archaeology
  • A publication list and book reviews
  • Information on upcoming lectures, exhibitions and conferences
  • A full list of all permits issued by the B.C. Archaeology Branch for any archaeological projects undertaken in B.C

Peer Review Process

A number of editors provide proofediting, typically about two contributing editors working in the field of academic or consulting archaeology review each article providing feedback on content and style. 

Following initial submission, editors are given three weeks to provide edits, and then authors are given another three weeks to complete a final draft. Beyond this, there are may be additional back and forth communications prior to publication. If edits are not completed in a timely manner, authors may be asked to resubmit for upcoming issues. 

Publication Frequency

Published four issues a year by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content 6 months after first distribution of publication to Society members on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Author Self-Archiving Policy

This journal permits and encourages authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites or institutional repositories both prior to and after publication, while providing bibliographic details that credit, if applicable, its publication in this journal.


The University of  Victoria Libraries is providing free hosting service to the Society.

Journal History

The Midden began as a six-page newsletter in 1968 and has gradually emerged as a respectable, bound publication.

In 1983 the first grant to assist with publication was awarded by the B.C. Heritage Trust. The Trust has continued support for publishing The Midden every year since, helping to keep our rates at a minimum and making the publication available free to our members, and at a minimal cost to subscribers around the world.

In 2016 the ASBC worked with the University of Victoria Libraries to archive all the backissues of The Midden digitally, and to begin hosting the journal as an online PDF. 

In addition to the digital version a limited run of hardcopies are made available in Victoria and Vancouver. ASBC members receive the publication as part of their membership and subscribers such as libraries, educational institutions, students, professional archaeologists and archaeology enthusiasts also recieve issues.

The Midden is produced by an editorial committee who collectively contribute to soliciting, editing and proofreading content including news, field reports, and recent publications. 

Archaeological Society of British Columbia (ASBC)

Established in 1966, the Archaeological Society of British Columbia (ASBC) draws together both professionals and enthusiasts of Archaeology of British Columbia (BC).

Our Aims

  • To encourage the identification and protection of archaeological sites and material in B.C.
    To provide lectures and publications for the spread of knowledge about archaeology.