The Midden
<p><em>The Midden</em> is the name of our quarterly journal, and reflects the rich resources middens offer in archaeological information.</p> <p>Dedicated exclusively to the Archaeology of British Columbia, it contains:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Illustrated articles and news about BC Archaeology</li> <li class="show">A publication list and book reviews</li> <li class="show">Information on upcoming lectures, exhibitions and conferences</li> </ul>ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIAen-USThe Midden0047-7222<p>Contents of The Midden are copyrighted by the ASBC. It is unlawful to reproduce all or any part, by any means whatsoever, without the Society's permission, which is usually gladly given.</p>The Midden 51(1)
Chris Springer
Copyright (c)