Vol. 50 No. 2 (2020): Midden 50(2) New Horizons: The Next Decade of Emerging Technology in Archaeology.

Overcoming the Digital Divide: Some Lessons from the Arctic for Consideration in BC. M. Cecilia Porter

Proteomics: Advantages, Applications and Relevance to Archaeology. Lindsey Paskulin

ZooMS: a Rapid, Cost-effective Method for Identifying Archaeological Faunal Remains. Camilla Speller. 

Vibracore Sampling in the Broken Group Islands. Seonaid Duffield, Iain McKechnie, Denis St. Claire, and Duncan McLaren. 

Reviewing Machine Learning Algorithms to Determine Best-Fit Models for Archaeological Predictive Modelling in British Columbia. Raini Johnson, Andrew Mason, Andrew Martindale. 

Archaeological Predictive Modelling: The Model Inputs. Kelly Monteleone

Flagship Archaeologists in a Flagship Archaeological Region: Remembering George MacDonald and Ken Ames Through the Archaeology of Prince Rupert Harbour, BC, Canada.  Bryn Letham. 

Published: 2020-11-12

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