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Author Guidelines

Please refer to the Focus and Scope section of this site before submitting.

Article submissions should be no more than 8000 words in length. Book reviews should not exceed 2000 words. Artistic works will be considered in whatever form in which they are submitted provided that they conform to our ability to publish them online.

The submission should not be previously published, nor before another journal for consideration (in special circumstances, please provide an explanation in Comments to the Editor). Peninsula will consider only one submission from an author at a time.

Please provide a 200 word abstract with your submission.


Formatting Guidelines

The submission file should be in .rtf or .doc format.

General guidelines:

  • The text should be single-spaced with 12-point font and employ italics, rather than underlining (except for URL addresses).
  • Subsections should be in bold, and all prepositions, even longer words like “towards” and “concerning,” should be written in lower case in titles and subtitles.
  • The text should be aligned left, and paragraphs should be indented. Do not place additional spaces between paragraphs.
  • Place spaces before and after dashes (e.g. “x – y,” not “x–y”).
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

On quotations, citations and footnotes:

  • Single quotation marks (‘’) should only be used within quotations (“”). Double quotation marks should be used both for quotation and for emphasis (i.e. “scare quotes”).
  • "Straight quotes" should be replaced by “smart quotes” for both quotation marks and apostrophes (e.g. ' vs. ‘). If using Word, this is a default auto-correct option.
  • Periods and commas can be included within quotations, but other punctuation marks should be placed outside of them.
  • When referring to something within an author’s body of work or that an author thinks, say “for” rather than “in”.  “In Foucault” sounds too corporeal.
  • Do not place ellipses (…) at the beginning or ending of quotations; only use them to indicate omissions.  When a period is included in an elliptical omission, use four periods rather than three (….).  Do not place any spaces or punctuation before an ellipsis, but do place a single space after the ellipsis.
  • Only use a thinker’s first name the first time you reference him or her.  For every subsequent reference use his or her last name.
  • Explanatory footnotes should be identified by numbers within square brackets in the text and grouped at the end of the document for easier transfer to the HTML format.
  • Where available, full URLs for the references should be provided.

Peninsula does not specify a particular spelling convention (Canadian, US etc.) but does require consistency throughout the text.


Bibliographical Guidelines

Articles submitted should use in-text citations and provide a list of complete references in alphabetical order between authors and chronological order within one author's works (i.e. list multiple works by the same author with the most recent first), following the Chicago Author-Date Style (Author surname Year, Page number).

Publications by the same author in the same year should be identified with letters (2009a, 2009b, 2009c, etc.). In-text citations of publications by three or more authors should name the first author and be followed by et al, before the year.

The general format for references should be as follows:

Books by a single author:

(Walker 2009, 32)

Walker, Rob B.J. 2009. After the Globe, Before the World. New York: Routledge.

Books by two authors:

(Kroker and Weinstein 1994, 87)

Kroker, Arthur, and Michael Weinstein. 1994. Data Trash: The Theory of the Virtual Class. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Edited Volume:

(Eisenberg 2006, 42-9)

Eisenberg, Avigail, ed. 2006. Diversity and Equality: The Changing Framework of Freedom in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Chapter in book:

(Bryan 2009, 86)

Bryan, Bradley. 2009. “Hail the Cure!”: Althusser, Biotechnology, and Biopolitics. In Critical Interventions in the Ethics of Healthcare, ed. Stuart J. Murray and Dave Holmes, 81-96. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Article in journal:

(Tully 2002, 545-51)

Tully, James. 2002. Political Philosophy as a Critical Activity. Political Theory 30 (4): 533-56.

Electronic source:

(Magnusson 2006)

Magnusson, Warren. 2006. The City of God and the Global City. CTheory (October 5), (accessed November 9, 2009).


For more detailed information, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, available online at

If you have any questions, please contact the editor.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.