Want to Review?

Are you a suitable reviewer?

Philosophy in Review is a specialist journal. We ask that reviewers:

  • Hold a Ph.D. degree or a professional equivalent in philosophy, or a closely related field relevant to the subject matter of the book under consideration.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to meeting mutually agreed-upon deadlines for reviews.
  • Adhere to the specified word limit (usually not exceeding 1500 words).
  • Follow the guidelines on our stylesheet.
  • Refrain from volunteering for new review assignments if you currently have a pending commissioned review with us.

What do you do to volunteer?

Please send an e-mail to pir@uvic.ca including the following information:

  • Your name and full mailing address.
  • Your ranked preferences from the list of books above (please limit to three). If you already own any of the books, kindly mention that to help us save on shipping costs.
  • If you haven't reviewed for us before, please provide a brief paragraph outlining your expertise in the relevant area. This will help us select the most suitable reviewers. Be specific about your research, include relevant publications, and keep it concise.

Respecting Deadlines

We kindly ask that you adhere to the deadlines we set for your reviews. If unforeseen circumstances arise that may cause delays, please let us know as soon as possible. This helps us manage our scheduling effectively.

If you find yourself unable to complete a review, we encourage you to inform us promptly via email. By doing so, we can often secure an alternative reviewer for the book, especially since multiple individuals may be interested in the same title. Your timely communication is greatly appreciated!

Note on Review Copies

In recent years, publishers have increasingly offered to provide reviewers with ebook or PDF versions of requested texts. This shift not only enhances accessibility but also represents a significant move toward greater sustainability. Reviewers are encouraged to consider this option when submitting their requests.

Submit Your Commissioned Review

  • You will need to register wtih PIR online before beginning the submission process
  • Go to ONLINE SUBMISSIONS to create a username/password. If you have already registered, login.
  • Follow the 5 step process to submit your review.