Ebola Virus Epidemic in West AFrica in 2014: Senegal Standing the Test of Global Health Diplomacy

  • Moustapha Faye University of Victoria
  • Cassandre Campeau-Bouthillier University of Victoria
  • Olga Ziminova University of Victoria


This paper is the culmination of a project done in the context of a diplomacy and global health seminar with the Global Health Center (Graduate Institute) of Geneva on the case of Ebola contamination in Senegal. This project allowed the understanding of the magnitude of the epidemic in West Africa in 2014 with its international implications. Moreover, this project was a personal challenge to lead this reflection through the twofold lens of anthropology and diplomacy in global health, a subject that raises new questions about health as a central issue of human existence. As Dominique Kerouedan (2013) recalls through the introduction to the colloque international of the Collège de France:
     La santé est un thème de politique étrangère et de
     diplomatie, en ce qu’elle est devenue dans les relations
     internationales, plus précisément au fil du temps, un
     paramètre de pouvoir, d’influence, de sécurité, de paix, de
     commerce, voire un vecteur de positions géopolitiques ou
     même idéologiques, pour des Etats cherchant à gagner en
     importance politique à l’échelle mondiale.

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