Slim-leaf Onion (Allium amplectens) in Oak Haven Park

  • Natasha D’Entremont University of Victoria


Oak Haven Park has been identified as an excellent example of a Garry Oak plant community with high conservation values. Slim-leaf onion (Allium amplectens) is a native species in Garry Oak ecosystems and is Blue listed in British Columbia as a vulnerable species to focus on for preventative conservation. The population of Slim-leaf Onion in Oak Haven Park was surveyed and found to be comparable in size to other populations in BC, and adds to the conservation value of the Park. Removal of broom (Cytisus scoparius) was undertaken in the vicinity of the Slim-leaf Onion population to preserve the habitat quality and open up more Garry Oak meadows for possible expansion of the Slim-leaf Onion Population. Recommendations for the population's future health are the active discouragement of a walking pathway that tramples the plants and continuing removal of Scotch Broom, which will re-grow near the population site.

Technical Papers