The Unsaid of the Grand Dérangement: An Analysis of Outsider and Regional Interpretations of Acadian History

  • Katie K MacLeod Dalhousie University
Keywords: Acadian, historiography, atlantic canada, grand derangement, deportation, regional perspectives, outsider perspectives, Nova Scotia, Acadia, Acadie


This article examines literature published between 1988 and 2012 related to le Grand Dérangement, or the Acadian Deportation. Using Thomas Barnes’ “Historiography of the Acadians” Grand Dérangement, 1755 as a starting point, this article seeks to compare and contrast literatures speaking to the historic event as interpreted by regional and outside scholars. Overall, this review of the literature is able to identify the shifts in perspectives on the events since 1988 as well as identify themes in each group’s analysis le Grand Dérangement and what factors have influenced these interpretations over time.

Author Biography

Katie K MacLeod, Dalhousie University
PhD Student, Sociology and Social Anthropology